Qur'aans | Tasheel Series | Darsi Books | Miscellaneous Books Enter Product Name× Maktab Content General Guidelines for Muallim-ahs MAKTAB FEATURES Discipline MAKTAB FEATURES Three Golden Rules for the Muallim-ah MAKTAB FEATURES Teaching and Learning Resources MAKTAB FEATURES Maktab Environment/Climate MAKTAB FEATURES Components of the Teaching-Learning Situation in the Classroom: The Subject Matter/Content or Learning Material MAKTAB FEATURES Components of the Teaching-Learning Situation in the Classroom: The Parents MAKTAB FEATURES Components of the Teaching-Learning Situation in the Classroom: The Muallim/ah (Educator) MAKTAB FEATURES Components of the Teaching-Learning Situation in the Classroom: The Learner MAKTAB FEATURES Madrasah [Maktab] Education MAKTAB FEATURES
Components of the Teaching-Learning Situation in the Classroom: The Subject Matter/Content or Learning Material MAKTAB FEATURES
Components of the Teaching-Learning Situation in the Classroom: The Muallim/ah (Educator) MAKTAB FEATURES